Today we celebrate the brilliance of David Petersen and his epic creation, Mouse Guard.  For those of you have yet to discover these graphic novels and games, David brings us into the complex and beautiful world of intelligent mice and their navigations through social, political, and personal upheavals as they forge their lives in a harsh natural world.

The stories are not only highly compelling and entertaining, but David’s visual wizardry sits at the pinnacle of narrative mastery.  Page after page of these graphic novels lead you into a wonderfully convincing, historically deep culture. Thoughtfully designed and passionately presented, David celebrates the natural world in all its detail and sensitivity – unforgiving weasels, blood thirsty owls, and comraderic turtles and rabbits.

His dynamic sense of composition and page layouts keeps the story fluidly flowing, while enticing you to stop, smell the flowers, and take in all the visual integrity he embeds within each and every panel.  Inking, color, line weight, lighting, movement, character expression,… the list is endless on what is ‘great’ in all of this art.

Take a peek for yourself, and and then take the plunge and pick up one or more of these books for your permanent collection (permanent, for once you hold one, very likely you will treasure it forever!)

Mouse Guard Books and Prints