Images ©Radhia Rahman

Illustrators, Yuko Shimizu and Marcos Chin, recently asked SVA Alum Radhia Rahman to share her career experience from graduation to today, where she is enjoying a burgeoning career.

Hearing success stories from young artists is particularly important. Even though all of the professionals here on Muddy Colors can offer decades of experience on most industry matters, one thing they can not tell you, is what it’s like to be a young artist, starting out right now. What it takes to break into the industry is not the same as it was when we were starting out.

Like many of us, Radhia Rahman graduated tens of thousands of dollars in debt, working hard just to make ends meet. And in an impressively short amount of time has managed to flourish, and make art her full time career. Radhia was kind enough to share her story, her tips, and post it all publicly for everyone. You can watch the video below, and see more of Radhia’s work here: