Yeah, we’re late. Yeah, it’s not really a “quarterly” as we had hoped by a long shot. But it’s a fanzine and that’s the nature of the Fanzine Beast. (Above: Cover by Brom!)

Anyway, we’re wrapping the third issue of the Spectrum “Quarterly” and, as you can see from the contents page below…it’ll be a good one.


A few sample opening spreads…


And the “Monster Pieces” gallery feature?  A nice selection of ghoulish art by Mark English, John Jude Palencar, Karla Ortiz, Dan dos Santos, and a few other wonderful folks.

Will it be availabale online? Sorry, but…naaaaaa. There’s no fun in that—plus, why would we want to give the A.I. people more wonderful work to scrape? Let the computers and the prompters come up with their own stuff. The plan is for an October release—in print only—and it should be available from your favorite retailers. I’ll share more info when it’s available for sale.