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A Hippo Hero

Justin Gerard

Like many of you out there in the art community, I've been a bit down lately about the state of things in the art world. What with Adobe Photoshop updating its Terms of Service, to allow it to harvest our artwork for its AI, or with Windows updating its Terms of Service to harvest our artwork for its AI, or DeviantArt updating its terms of service to harvest our work for its AI, or Meta…




Moore O’Keeffe

Kristine Poole

June 6, 2024 - Pictures from an exhibition: not so long ago, Colin and I visited the Albuquerque Museum of Fine Art. The exhibit juxtaposed an unlikely pair of artists: Henry Moore and Georgia O'Keeffe. One of the interesting things I learned was how similar many aspects of their lives were, from their time of birth to their career trajectory. As the show statement puts it: "artists who shared a vision and pioneering approach to Modernism through their use of natural forms. Over the course of their lives, both artists relocated from urban centers to rural locations surrounded by open landscapes and amassed vast personal collections of animal skulls, bones, gnarled driftwood, stones and coiled seashells, which inspired their most important creations" That kind of makes them both kindred spirits to many of us. [caption id="attachment_76401" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] A…



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