-Serge Birault
3D is a strange thing. I know have to use 3D softwares and rendering engines but I’m unable to do good 3D stuff… So I organized a small 3D contest on my Facebook page.
I did a 2D concept and the competitors had to do a 3D version based on it. I did this sketch in 5-10 minutes, it was quite simple. You can see :
– The concept HERE
– The WIPs folder here : HERE
– The final entries folder here : HERE
Here are the results:
Kris Costa a.k.a Atropus
Honorable Mention
Honorable Mention
Dmitry Cheremisin
Dmitry Cheremisin
The members of the jury were Andrew Hickinbottom, José Alves da Silva and Loïc Zimmermann are great 3D professionals.
It was a very interesting experience. I was quite surprised by the quality of the entries.
These are really skillfully executed pieces. However, it seems unfair to choose subject matter for a contest that most women would find uncomfortable to faithfully reproduce.
Cool idea. Cool result.
Damn! first one is on killing spree !
others are awesome too
I think it's an exaggeration to say most women would find it uncomfortable. Women can appreciate sexy pin up art too and even like to draw it themselves. I'm female, I don't have a problem with it. In fact I think it's a really cool piece and the 3D renderings are awesome.
Most might be an exaggeration but not too much of one. I like tentacles and bondage and this piece still makes me a bit uncomfortable. Not enough to yell about but enough that I wouldn't have entered the contest if it had been in a medium I use. I don't think it was the wisest decision to use an overtly sexual image for a contest (and I would have the same objection if it was a sexy drawing of a man wrapped in tentacles).
Why should sexy be repressed? Freedom cost us so much that we once again fell into censorship as in times of the inquisition. Beauty is something innate of the human being, the sexy produces endless feelings, fantasies, I don’t think there is something creatively so empowering, that I should censor it?
As a female artist what I love drawing most are pin up girls. And I wish I knew 3D well enough to have entered this competition. I definitely don't think most women, well female artists, would have had a problem with this.
Well, this is a contest for Serge's fans, obviously. And since this image is very representative of his art, I'm sure his fans in general are not offended by the image.
It's like having a contest about Donato and saying it's unfair to people who don't like dead merfolk on a beach or a contest about Dan and saying it's unfair for people who don't like pretty young women holding a magic item and looking tough.
if you like tentacles and bondage but this makes you uncomfortable I would be curious to see what doesn't. This doesn't really push any boundaries with those two parameters and this falls in line with much of Biraults art work and style. Judging by the amount of entries he received for the contest I would disagree with it not being a “wise decision”. It received a lot of entries, especially considering the short time frame. It was featured in a few press sites and most importantly people had fun recreating this in 3D. Art is subjective. If it offended please enjoy the many other artistic outlets that are out there. If this is your cup of tea then sit back and enjoy.
I love Pin up girls, and draw them myself (I am, as far as I can tell, a female) I followed the contest entries and the winners are beautiful and very well chosen. I wouldn't have felt uncomfortable at all, not sure 'most' would apply.
I am a woman and I love pin up art. I think any friend/fan of Serge's would be comfortable with the subject matter. If I were a 3D artist I would have enthusiastically participated. I am eagerly awaiting a contest for us 2D artists. *hint hint*
It’s more cliché then offensive but it is a sexist picture for a woman or as well as for men, if you haven’t realized it yet, don’t ask yourself if your are offended by it but ask yourself why you find it so normal that women are so often represented as sexualized subject even when the settings doesn’t call for it at all ( and yes I know women and men can be sexualise in art and it’s sometimes appropriate) but for woman it’s the easy go to especially in game art and fantasy. Women have other qualities than sex appeal and men have other qualities than strength, get out of the box and create. But I must say the rendering are quite nice technically !
How unpleasantly repressive you sound. I think that the usual clichéd criticisms are what you use, I really don’t understand and want to understand why so much scandal and excess of modesty about sexuality, being something so beautiful, so deep, and that stimulates so much imagination, desires, fantasy or magic, there are illustrations of all kinds and on the contrary, now what they try to hide the most is sexuality, they are no longer represented as frequently as before and it is precisely by people like you, many artists reluctantly SELF-CENSOR to not to be CANCELED, you are being obnoxiously haughty saying that we should get out of the box and saying something so obvious that men and women have more qualities. You can explore thousands of things with beauty and sexuality without exhausting them, the one who must come out of your puritan box is you.