Hey folks. I am gearing up to exhibit with Wentworth Gallery on two rock festivals in a row… on boats!

Yup I first get on the Monsters of Rock cruise ship.

And the moment I step off that boat, I have one night before I get on the second ‘Cruise to the Edge’, which is a progressive rock festival. (Also in the middle of the ocean. )

It is weird how life can take you unexpected places. Wentworth Gallery sets up botique exhibits on these cruises. They represent rockstars who like to paint. And I am a painter who wishes he were a rockstar, lol.

Yet here I will be, rubbing elbows with literal rockstars. Like, the legendary Joe Satriani who will also have work in the gallery. (Woah, did I just say I get to hang with Satriani for a week?)

Also on this cruise will be KISS icon. Ace Frehley. AND KK downing from Judas Priest. So, being a fan, I naturally had to include them in my Rock-n-Roll fantasy series. (Would be amazing if I actually meet them!)

So to celebrate the fact that I am a multi tasking animal right now (Not my natural state.) lets look at some Graphite drawings destined to become paintings.


First up is ACE!! He is the original Space Man, so I ran with that theme!


Some still shots. He is Graphite on Duralar.


Next up, Metal Master KK Dowing of Judas priest! Also graphite on Duralar. For this one I thought it would be cool to riff on the ‘Screaming for Vengance’ Hellion album cover. (Originally by artist Doug Johnson. Who had one hell of a run with Priest in the 80’s including the ‘Defenders of the Faith’, and ‘Turbo’ covers!)


Still shots.

And finally, A tribute I’ve been wanting to do for a while. The machine, Neil Peart of RUSH (Gone from us too soon!)

Still shots.

How about a bonus drawing! Though not a literal rock star, still a rockstar of a different sort to millions. Mr Bruce Lee!

Still Shot:

Wish me luck on the two rocking boats my friends. That is a lot of time on the water for this land loving fool. Normally I wouldn’t to go on a cruise, as I tend to get motion sick. But c’mon, how could a Metal Head like me not except the invite to exhibit my art with literal rockstars! Pass the Dramamine!