I use social media a lot for both browsing and professional reasons. Yes it’s bad for you, but it can be good in many ways. It’s all about moderation and responsible use… both of which I am not good at.

I am a lover of all the branches of creative expression, and throughout my digital travels on the internet, I stumble on some pretty amazing stuff. These IG WOW posts will be accounts that I find on Instagram that are visual deliciousness.  Finding new artwork opens up an opportunity to look at my own personal work in different ways. Our work exists in the content of our current world, the time we live in, what came before us and what will eventually come after us.

We take data in, put it through our personal algorithm (experiences, previously seen artwork, relationships, trauma, curiosity, known information, etc), and art comes out. We are each a collage of everything we have experienced. So in a way, as an artist, I feel like part of what makes artwork interesting is the constant evolution of the artists’ lens… and that means… need more input!

Here are a few artists, designers, photographers, or general vibes I think are worth adding to your feed:

Accidentally Wes Anderson

Who doesn’t love the Wes Anderson vibe??? @accidentallywesanderson



Edward Delandre


Lukifer Aurelius

I found this artist because my tattoo artist in San Francisco had one of their paintings hanging and it blew my mind apart. @lukiferaurelius

Sean Norvet

As a still life painter, I want to eat these paintings. You know exactly what I mean. They are SO COOL!! – @seannorvet



As always, you can find me on my own social media channels. Happy surfing!

Instagram – lots of process videos!
TikTok – I don’t post here often enough but I’m there!
ARA Boston Website  – where I teach
Gumroad – free handouts, cheap instructional vids
My Website