It’s been a meandering road but at long last I’ve got my next sketchbook and a new set of prints that I’m about ready to share!

You might well recognize one of the pieces from a previous series where we walked through all the drawing and color stages.

And another is the cover of my next sketchbook, The Little Hills. We also firstĀ talked about this one back close to the beginning of the year.

In years past I used to get my annual sketchbooks and any new prints out around the same time, usually in time for a certain convention. But for quite a while now I’ve been off with timing. A new sketchbook here, some assortment of prints there.

Feels good to have everything ready to show at once.

And as a part of this new collection, I’ve had one last piece in the works. Here’s a peek at the drawing, sketch to final.

It’s taken a long, scribbling path to completion. In fact, this is the first time I’ve posted the drawing publicly. It’s pretty large, too: 19.5″ x 26″

And for some reason, I’ve let it sit for much longer than I usually do before jumping in to the color. It’s been a bit of a process working through it. But! I’m pleased to report that it’s nearly there and we’ll take a much closer look at it next time.

The Elysian Collection brings together some of my favorite pieces in this series of creatures alongside the accompanying sketchbook, The Little Hills.

Look for it next month, July 2022!